VUSuperior Chat Room

Monday, 8 June 2015

MTH301 (Spring 2015) Assignment # 1 (Graded) Due date: June 08, 2015

Assignment #  1 (Graded)

MTH301 (Spring 2015)
                    Total marks: 20
                   Lecture # 1 to 15  
                                                                                                       Due date: June 08, 2015

    DON’T MISS THESE Important instructions:
  • Upload assignments properly through LMS.
  • All students are directed to use the font and style of text as is used in this document.
  • This is an individual assignment, not group assignment, so keep in mind that you are supposed to submit your own, self made & different assignment even if you discuss the questions with your class fellows. All similar assignments (even with some meaningless modifications) will be awarded zero marks and no excuse will be accepted. This is your responsibility to keep your assignment safe from others.
  • Solve the assignment on MS word document and upload your word files only.

Question No: 1

Find the maxima, minima and saddle point (if exists) of the following function

Question No: 2

For the given function

i)                    Find the gradient of the function  at

ii)                  Find the directional derivative in the direction of vector


  1. students plz share ur ideas about this assignment..........
